Relief is Possible with Bloom Pelvic Therapy

At Bloom Pelvic Therapy, we address pelvic pain, bladder pain, urinary urgency & frequency, bowel concerns, prolapse, post surgical rehabilitation & optimizing prenatal, birth, & postpartum stages.

Pelvic floor concerns can be complex, therefor our team specializes in pelvic floor therapy exclusively. We understand that experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction or a new diagnosis can be scary, it does not need to be- our team is here to explain what is going on and how we are going to fix it. You deserve to live a full life without worry or pain.

Contact us to start relieving your difficulties related to pelvic floor dysfunction.

At Bloom Pelvic Therapy we address:

  • Pelvic pain can feel frustrating & complex. Bloom’s pelvic floor therapists understand. We help our patients put the pieces together, and get to the root cause so you can understand your pain and move beyond it. We are experts, advocates, and active part of your team.

    Bloom Pelvic Therapy relieves pain with sex (dyspareunia), external genital pain or vulvar pain (vulvodynia), vaginal pain (vaginismus), pudendal neuralgia, tailbone pain(coccydynia), endometriosis, interstitial cystitsis (IC)/painful bladder syndrome, tailbone pain (Coccydynia), or levator ani syndrome (proctalgia fugax).

    Pelvic pain is treatable, whether it is sharp shooting pains, or dull achey pains, constant or interminttent- relief is possible.

  • Our therapists specialize in treatment of low back pain, hip pain, SI joint pain, pelvic girdle pain, knee pain foot pain. Any orthopedic discomforts impact pelvic floor function, and are often part of the root cause that can be resolved at any age or stage.

  • Bowel concerns can be embarrassing & frustrating. Bloom Pelvic Therapist are specialists of bowel function- increasing comfort, relieving constipation, decreaseing urgency & frequency, controlling unwanted loss of gas, & irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

  • Although leaking urine can be common, it does not need to be accepted! Bloom Pelvic Therapy addresses the root cause of leaking, resolving to allow you to cough, sneeze, laugh, run, and jump without concern.

    Needing to rush to the bathroom quickly to urinate is also common, but can be resolved. With pelvic therapy it is possible to drive down your road, pass a bathroom, or take off your shoes without running!

  • A feeling of heaviness, seeing something different at the opening of the vagina, or being diagnosed with a proplase can be scary. You do not need immediate surgery to correct, you have options. Pelvic therapy is the first line to managemnet of symtoms associated with pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Many people have some degree of prolapse throughout their lives, often without knowing. Just do your kegels is not the answer, it is much more complex.

    Bloom pelvic therapy addresses proplase through strengthening, internal and external manual therapies as needed, biomechanics, pressure management, and creating optimal bladder and bowel habits.

    We have helped many people resolve their symptoms, avoid surgery, and get back to doing the things they love without worry!

  • Pregnancy can be an amazing time of joy and growth, however pain never needs to be accepted- even those “your pregnant-typical pains”. Our pelvic floor therapists alleviate all pain, keep you active throughout all stages of pregnancy-improving control, decreasing any coning & doming, alleviate any leaking, helps you prepare for labor & delivery, and prepare for an optimal postpartum phase.

  • Postpartum pelvic floor therapy is beneficial for everyone that carried a baby, experienced all the changes and then birthed-via vaginal delivery or c-section. Our postpartum pelvic therapy often focuses on reconnecting to your core, diastasis recti, a feeling of heaviness, pain with return to sex, pelvic organ prolapse, leaking urine, c-section on birth injury pain.

    Bloom Pelvic Therapy gets you back to the activities you love without symptoms. Just because you had a baby does not mean we are resigned to a life of leaking, pain or heaviness.

    We understand this phase of life is busy and full of change. Pelvic therapy with Bloom is easy. You are always welcome to bring children to appointments and offer virtual fof convenience! We also incorporate any home programming into your day, no need to spend an extra hour at night doing extra work. We know your tired mama!

  • Pelvic floor therapy is not just for women , we all have a pelvic floor. We treat men with pelvic floor dysfunction, including constipation, urinary leaking or urgency, pain with urination, tailbone pain or generalized pelvic floor pain. Bloom Pelvic Therapy is here to help!

  • Pelvic therapy is not just for those with concerns, we help many people optimize their pelvic health, sexual health, prepare for pregnancy, or maximize core and pelvic floor function.

    We help all people at any age or stage!

  • Pelvic Floor Therapy relieves scar discomfort, safe return to activities post surgery, and pain management. Often times we return from surgery with little explanation of how to care for the new incision, how to comfortably move, no information on when and how we can return to activity, or discouraged that you still have discomfort after recovering. Bloom pelvic floor therapy addresses these concerns, relieves discomfort, improves scar movement & appearance, and gives tangible ways to get back to the activity you love post surgery, whether that is post removal of fibroids, hysterectomy, surgery for endometriosis, c-section, prostatectomy, prolapse, or any other procedure. No matter how many years have passed, it is never too late to address these concerns.

At Bloom, all our therapists specialize in pelvic floor therapy, with hundreds of course & training hours combined. No two people or clinical cases are the same. Our team is here to help you to the root cause of your difficulties.

Finding relief is possible within our two Tampa Bay clinic locations.

“I learned I had NOTHING to fear, my issues were reversible, I didn't need surgery, and I had many tools at my disposal to help”

“It’s rare to find a health care professional who demonstrates such care and determination in figuring out the root cause of a particular issue. Nicole has worked with me to come up with a treatment plan that fits my lifestyle, schedule, and goals, which has ultimately impacted my quality of life in many ways”


  • Pelvic floor therapy can include as much or as little as you desire. Typically, we utilize techniques such as external manual therapy, internal manual therapy (although helpful, it is not necessary), and personalized exercises and education to reach your goals.

  • The first pelvic floor visit is the evaluation-this is where we get to know you, your biggest difficulties, your biggest joys, and goals to make a plan specific to you! The visit starts with a conversation with your therapist about your history, what your biggest bothers are, and your goals for pelvic floor therapy. Then we will look at your strength, mobility, balance, posture, how you move in typical tasks to assess for underlying causes and areas we can improve. If agreeable, we may perform a pelvic muscle assessment for a better understanding of your pelvic floor specifically. Throughout the visit we educate you on the ins and outs of the pelvic floor, things we can address in pelvic floor therapy, and recommendations. The visit ends with answering any questions and the giving you a plan to reach your goals!

  • To Get to the Lutz Location:

    We are located in Northpointe Village on the corner of Suncoast Expressway and State Road 54 in Lutz / Odessa Florida. We are an easy drive from Westchase, North Tampa, Trinity, Land o’ Lakes, New Port Richey, Spring Hill, or Brooksville..

    Once in Northpointe Village you will take a left at the 1st round about by Glory Days. Take the first right into the parking lot. Proceed to the door with the green awning labeled ‘Office Lobby’ and take the elevator to the second floor. We are the second office on the left, suite 205. Our front office door overlooks the hotels!

    To Get to the South Tampa Location:

    We are located in the Westshore City Center, in the same plaza as First Watch and Union New American restaurants. An easy drive from Lakeland, Apollo Beach, Sarasota, Pinellas County, Brandon, Riverview, Fishhawk or plant city. We are located on Westshore Blvd between exit 40A on i-275 and Spruce st/Boyscout Blvd. Once in the plaza, proceed to building 1211, and enter the building. We are Suite 102 on the first floor.

  • Yes! We believe that a great deal of progress is made at home between visits! We give a home exercise program and recommend modifications at each visit to progress and help you reach your goals with as little time in clinic as possible!

  • We treat conditions of the pelvic floor and facilitate with healthy, pain free pregnancy and postpartum stages. conditions of the pelvic floor include stress incontinence, urge incontinence, mixed incontinence, diastasis recti, pain with sex, tailbone pain, hip pain, fecal incontinence, constipation, difficulty having full bowel movement, interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome), hypertonic or hypotonic pelvic floor, prolapse, heaviness, etc. please call us at (813)515-9008 to discuss your concerns and how we can help!

  • No, you are able to come in on your own! Once we complete the evaluation, we will send to your preferred provider for approval! Please call us at (813) 515-9008 to schedule your visit

  • Our visits run about 1 hour. Within that time frame you are one on one with your therapist working collaboratively towards your goals. Here at Bloom Pelvic Floor Therapy we don’t have a busy gym, waiting to use equipment, or therapist balancing multiple patients! You deserve the best and we value your time!

Send Us a Message!

A member of our team will call you to answer your questions. For immediate help, please call us at (813) 515-9008.

Lasting Relief From:

  • Pain

    Pain with Sex/Dyspareunia

    Pelvic Ache or Feeling ‘Heavy’

    Tailbone Pain or Coccydynia

    Vulvar Pain or Vulvodynia

    Low back pain

    Levator Ani Syndrome/Proctalgia fugax

    Pudendal Neuralgia



    Back & Hip Pain

  • Bladder

    Painful Bladder/ Interstitial Cystitsis (IC)

    Urinary Urgency

    Urinary Frequency

    Urinary Incontinence



  • Post Surgical


    Scar Management

    Caesarian Section

    Prolapse Surgery

  • Bowel

    Bowel Urgency

    Bowel Frequency

    Bowel Incontinence

    Unwanted Loss of Gas

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome



  • Women's Health

    Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)


    Pelvic Floor Wellness

    Sexual Dysfunction Related to Pelvic Floor

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum


    Diastasis Recti

    Resuming Comfortable Intercourse

    Caesarian Section Recovery


    Pelvic Pain

    Urinary or Fecal Leaking

    Return to Exercise Postpartum


    Pelvic Pain

    Low Back Pain

    Labor and Postpartum Preparation


    Inability to Fully Empty Bladder

Send Us a Message!

A member of our team will call you to answer your questions. For immediate help, please call us at (813) 515-9008.

Bloom Pelvic Therapy

Tampa’s Pelvic Floor Therapy Practice

Locations in Lutz & Tampa, Florida